7 ways to clean your face deeply and effectively

Post by Hòa Trần - Blogger at tháng 1 06, 2021

How to clean the face deep to each pore, help the skin against the harmful effects of the environment.

Each day passes, your skin must "fight" with polluted dust and toxic substances that clog pores, causing irritation, darkened skin and rapid aging. A pore (or hair follicle) is a duct attached to the sebaceous glands under the skin, responsible for sebum secretion. When the skin produces too much oil, the hair follicles are easily blocked, leading to inflammation and irritation. Pore-deep facial cleansing techniques can help solve this problem.

Here are 7 quick, safe and effective deep cleansing ways that you can refer to:


Celery is considered a miracle herb that helps to remove toxins and impurities that block the skin, thereby cleaning and tightening pores in an optimal way. The very simple way is to wash the parsley and soak it in a bowl of boiling water. Until the water is warm, use a handkerchief soaked with parsley water and gently press it on your face for about 10-15 minutes. Repeat this routine every day to cleanse your skin.

7 ways to clean your face deeply and effectively

Photo: Drhealthbenefits


Using baking soda is one of the fastest effective pore-deep cleansers. A mixture of two teaspoons of powder and one teaspoon of water (2: 1 ratio) is just enough for one serving. Then, use the mixture to gently massage the surface of the skin for about five minutes before rinsing. Performing this formula once a week will help balance skin and improve skin color visibly.

7 ways to clean your face deeply and effectively

Photo: Thriftyfun


The nitric acid in lemons can easily remove dirt and excess oil that is "illegally inhabited" in your pores. Simply cut a large round lemon in half and rub gently in a spiral shape over the skin. Then you relax for about 5 minutes and rinse with warm water. Note: Nitric acid makes your skin more susceptible to sun exposure, so don't forget to apply sunscreen regularly.


Each pore peel contains thousands of selective adhesive crystals, which act as a five-year force to help you easily pull away dirt that builds up in your pores.

7 ways to clean your face deeply and effectively

Photo: Getty Images



Don't ignore the importance of double exfoliation. This "earth's most basic" seemingly simple method can easily deep clean, help clear pores and leave skin feeling soothing. You can combine deep cleaning equipment such as specialized face washers and scrubs. The double exfoliation method promotes the thorough removal of oil-based impurities and dirt that are soaked in pores that cannot be done by hand cleaning.

However, this method of deep facial cleansing according to the principle of double exfoliation should only be applied once a week so that the skin does not wear off, becomes sensitive and prone to irritation.