5 skin care trends promise to "explode" in 2018

Post by Hòa Trần - Blogger at tháng 1 06, 2021

Beauty trends are constantly changing, especially in skin care. Today, Ant Cosmetics will explore with you some of the beauty trends that will explode this year!

Advanced beauty technology greatly aids in skin care. Every year, new skin improvement methods continually appear. Today, Ant Cosmetics will present to you a few trends that promise to become popular in 2018.


Have you ever heard of microbiome support to hydrate, beautify skin? Microbiome is a population of microorganisms on the surface of the skin, working with the moisture barrier to keep the skin soft and shiny. Several external factors can cause the microbiome to become unbalanced. Therefore, products formulated with prebiotics (the source of nutrients beneficial for the growth of beneficial bacteria) help to instantly rebalance the skin.


Nowadays, women not only prefer to dye their hair or do a manicure at home, but women also prefer to perform high-tech skin care treatments themselves. Homemade therapeutic masks, anti-aging lasers and microdermabrasion are hotter than ever.


Previously, gemstones were often used as a decoration or amulet. However, nowadays, gem skin care is a trend that is being loved by the beauty world. In addition to the gemstone faceplate, you can now use masks and creams made from crystals such as rose quartz and marble. This is considered a big turning point in beauty technology.

5 skin care trends promise to "explode" in 2018

A surface roller is made of rose quartz



Serum beauty - blood may sound intimidating, but it's actually not what you think it is. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP - platelet-rich plasma), also known as "vampire facials" and "vampire stretches". This is done by drawing the patient's blood, then injecting platelets back into the skin. This will visibly improve skin and counteract the aging process.

5 skin care trends promise to "explode" in 2018

Photo: stemcellarts.com



Masks for skin care have become a prominent skin care trend over the years. In 2018, rubber masks are the most "sought after" product. As one of the latest Korean beauty trends to be introduced to the US, the rubber mask contains ingredients that are loved and trusted by the beauty world. Specifically, the rubber layer will gently push these ingredients down the dermis layer of the skin, so that they penetrate deeply and achieve higher efficiency. There is no reason not to try this product, right?

5 skin care trends promise to "explode" in 2018

Photo: Shutterstock